Friday 11 September 2015

So Far, This Week

So far this week, I have:  

Been congratulated on my use of the word “purview”

Been asked: “Is this what it’s always like…? Fuckin hell.  I’m a musician, I’ve never seen this time of the morning before…”

Used three separate Excel spreadsheets at the same time.  Like a boss.  (The good kind, not the office kind.)

Been subjected to a rude hand gesture by a motorist.

Returned a similarly uncouth gesture to said motorist.

Worn gloves to ride a bike, earlier in the year than ever, much to my chagrin.

Worried that I’ve never pronounced the word “chagrin” right.

Read a review of a new film that I thought sounded really good and that I know I will never see.

Been given an apple pie by a stranger.  Which was nice. 

Been woken by a Karate Kid-style dream about my Dad and I being bullied by a martial arts expert and felt really quite melancholic as a result. 

Been invited to teach and perform for music students at a college, despite never having any formal musical training of any kind.  (Take THAT, all the music teachers I never had…)

Had two conversations about roofs and pretended to know enough to keep the conversation going.

Considered whether the correct plural of roofs is actually rooves, but not followed that thought up by checking Google, like you would’ve done.

Laughed out loud at four people’s names, from a list of around 650.

Made a version of 93 Til Infinity by Souls of Mischief, using mandolin and violin, which is epic.

Missed a big football match because of the above, and felt pretty good about it.

Made a spiced plum chutney, which isn’t very good (I’m a bit worried it’s too vinegary…)

Made pesto, which is really quite good.  (I’m happy with the ratio of cheese/garlic/basil.)

Not slept well after having a cup of tea after 9, and felt really really old.

Had a good idea for a blog which I have not used.

Had a potentially great idea for a blog, which I will (probably) not be brave/stupid/callous enough to write/publish because of how it will be received by the people it is about.

Made plans for Christmas, and changed them.

Felt an overwhelming sense of love.  More than once.  For more than one person.

Bought a football shirt from 1985 and been slightly disappointed by a small detail.

Re-read some of my favourite blog ever (this one: just in case you are impressionable enough to follow the link, I strongly advise that you read it in chronological order.)

Felt the sun on my face, sighed, and walked back inside.

Missed friends, and felt bad for not making more effort to see them/talk to them.

Tried to record rap verses as a voice memo but forgotten them in the time it takes to open the app on my phone.  Three times.  Three fucking times.

Thanked somebody for getting my name right, for the first time in ages.  (I have known the person for over a year.)

Looked forward to reading a book while reading a different, unrelated book.

Waited in hope and expectation for someone to ask me about the book I am reading.

Watched The Great British Bake Off and wondered whether it is the very worst thing that has ever been on TV ("It's only baking for fuck sakes, and they’re making it seem like the most important thing ever!”) and totally compelling (“It’s only baking, but they make it seem really important!”).  For the record, I cared enough to call the loser.  I was right, as well.

Wondered if Jamie Oliver will ever have a single thought in his head that doesn’t end up as a TV programme, and immediately dismissed this as an impossible dream.

(And, as ever, having watched more than 45 seconds of British terrestrial television) Wondered if the collapse of Western civilisation and the annihilation of humans wouldn’t be a rather welcome respite…

Got up earlier than I needed to, just because I woke up early.

Been disappointed that someone neglected to try my flapjacks.  What are they, allergic to the perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea?  Clowns.

Thought alot about, and missed, The People’s Front Room family. 

Made several witty remarks to myself that I know nobody heard (I didn’t hear delighted laughter, so they can’t have)

Written this blog.

And that’s everything that’s happened in my life up to this point.


  1. Accused my assistant of creating an unwieldy spreadsheet. Received blank stare. Made her watch as I used my favourite search engine to display meaning. Demanded she create wieldy spreadsheets in future.

  2. Only the office kind uses Excel. The good kind used charisma and handsomely-compensated assistants.
